Portus: Gateway to Rome (5)

Portus from Testaguzza 1970, p. 154-155.
Portus from Testaguzza 1970, p. 154-155.

Amongst the other developments during the reign of Trajan was the building of the Therma Della Laterna, a bath complex located near to the lighthouse which is presumed to be for the use of port workers and sailors. It is interesting to note that the similar ‘Terma di Porta marina’ on the waterfront of Ostia has a similar date and they may have formed part of a single project to improve the conditions for port workers and sailors. Further evidence for such a development can be found in the buildings as in at least two cases there is evidence for the building of new cistern blocks during the redevelopment

Trajanic mooring block from Portus (www.ostia-antica.org )
Trajanic mooring block from Portus (www.ostia-antica.org )

Another interesting building which was constructed at this time is the Navilia. It is situated between the Trajanic and Claudian basins and opened out onto both of them. It consists of three sections, each section at which has three narrow bays and one wide bay. In between each of the sections is a passage. These sections are covered by arches It has been suggested that it was for the building or repairing ships. In the late second century, one of these wide bays was converted into offices and storerooms and artefacts found here include nails , washers and sheathing tacks. These are commonly associated with Roman boats and have only been found on this site in the ruins of the Navilia.

Plan of Navilia at Portus from Keay, Earl and Felici 2011
Plan of Navilia at Portus from Keay, Earl and Felici 2011

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